Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Mini Map Healing Grid

Crossfingers, Khaz'goroth taken from wow forums


Looking for a 'grid' style mod that instead of laying out everyone's health in a grid layout (which does work just fine. Don't take this as a complaint of the status quo), places the health bars on a minimap via player location.
So I would have a map, scaleable that can be zoomed in or out centered on my character. Would have players HP bars positioned at their location on the map, and in cases where players are clumped, lower health players would take stack priority. With of course the option to select certain targets as manual priority (tanks) to always be visible.

Or something to this nature.

Does anything along these lines exist? Has it been tried before, and perhaps available in a beta form on some obscure website?"

Boy, it sounds like you are a very visual healer! Now, I know for a fact there isn't an addon for this and I'll tell you why: Healing is multidirectional. For the most part you can cast any healing spell in any direction without worry about where on the map the players are. Not only that, but with large raids, 40 HP windows in a very small area would be a LOT of information to pile onto that mini map! If you're having problems with people walking out of range make sure you set your healbot or vuhdoo (my personal favorite) to fade out or even highlight the player who is out of range! Vuhdo will even put arrows up to tell you the direction of the out-of-range toon!

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